“Dry Suit Diver” certification complete

And it is done ! I am officially certified. The second and last dive in open water was much better than the first one. It has been really, really nice and I actually enjoyed diving with drysuit. We went 8m deep to feel a bit more the suit’s squeeze 🙂 And the cold … 🙂 This was before the dive… already sweating. This time no water in the suit, just a lot of sweat.   Oh… and the weather… foggy, no sun, 14 degrees in the air, 8 in the water.    

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Padi “Dry Suit Diver” certification

I started to make the course Padi Dry Suit Diver with Jörg of ScubaDo. I got a great offer from Tauchschop-online.de for a ScubaPro Everdry 4 Dry Suit . I can say one thing: Dry Suit diving is not easy 🙂 It takes some experience to control the buoyancy because you can’t use the jacket. From time to time, air gets in the feet and you need to roll over to get it out. Well, part of the course is to be able to deal with such situations. You need to make sure that you have the right amount of lead. If you don’t find the right weight you will get very easily too much air in the suit, which increases the possibility to get air in the feet. And then the “fun” begins 🙁 If the suit is not set up correctly, you get wet. This was my case in the first dive… A lot of water entered through the neck. The temperature was 7 degrees Celsius. 🙁 Overall, you are carrying much more equipment because You have more lead The suit is much heavier than the semi-dry one But, overall, it is fun to dive with dry suit… You learn new stuff 🙂     Oh, we went diving in the Malereck in Langenargen.

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Advanced Open Water Diver completed

On October 9th I finished the last dive from the Advanced Open Water Diver course with Jörg Lietzmann of ScubaDo. Deep Diving at 24.5 m at the Meersburg Tents (Die Zelte) (29.9.2015) Here is the diving profile:   Wreck diving at the Bunkers of Immenstadt (9.10.2015) We had to walk from the parking to the shore, to swim for about 25 min on the surface in order to reach the 2nd island and then we could start the dive. It was all worth!        Temperature: 16 degrees on the surface, between 12-14 on a 8.6 m depth. Here are pictures, courtesy of Jörg:

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Diving with kids – Robert’s first diving experience

Sunday, with Jörg and Susi from ScubaDo and 5 children (8-10 Years) old, in the swimming pool of Obereisenbach. Two hours of playing ball under water, underwater contests… Pure fun! Kids loved it and all want to do it again. Robert was too big for the “normal” kid size neoprene and he borrowed the one from Susi. This is why the suit is a bit larger:   Fun ! Fun, Fun…   Best of all: Robert wants to learn to dive with me.   And the photographer (using Jörg’s equipment) who decided to not wear the 8mm suit and went diving only with the jacket :  

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Diving at D-Loch Memmingen

D-Loch is an artificial lake near Memmingen (check the link to see more). The depth varies between 2 – 7 m. It can go as deep as 10 m when there is enough water from rain. Here are some photos I’ve made with the phone: There are a lot of fishes: Sturgeon (Ger: Störe) Trout (Ger: Forelle) Other small fishes Others 🙂        

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Diving at Cazino Constanta, Romania

I made 3 dives with Aquarius Diving Centre Constanta at the Cazino Constanta. The entry in the water was difficult because we had to go through the stones on the shore.   Click here to go to the Aquarius Diving webpage to view more photos. Dive 1 (Red): 4KG x 2 side lead, 4KG belt lead Dive 2 (Blue): 4KG x 2 side lead, 3 KG belt lead Dive 3 (Black): 4 KG x 2 side lead, 3 KG belt lead 12 L Airtank, 18 KG weight of the airtank With my own equipment. Visibility 3-5 m In general, the visibility was really astonishing for the Black Sea. We could see very well even small crabs.   In Dive 3 we visited the historical harbor from the times of the romans. The walls of the harbor were about 500 m away from where it is now and they were about 2 m high. They are now 5 m under water. The good part is that with every dive I remained longer and longer in the water with the same 12L tank. Longest dive was number 3 with 78 minutes.   Seen: Sea horse Huge jellyfish   Many smaller jellyfishes Fluorescent jellyfishes Crabs Sea needle Shrimps (on the rocks)   And here are the photos (courtesy of Aquarius Diving):

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Diving #6: The eels of the Malerecke, Langenargen

Same equipment as last time, this time only with different fins, for testing. They were extremely heavy, so I had to use a lot of strength to be able to keep my horizontal position. The other interesting part in this dive was the relique of a wooden boat at about 6-7 m deep. It is being said, that it is there since the time of the romans. Unfortunately, its conservation is not very good, so you can’t see too much from it. I have seen for the first time eels as big as my arm. They were hiding in the rocks at 3 to 7 m deep. They seemed quite used to humans with flashlights and were very relaxed.    

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Diving #5: Überlingen, Tennis club with the new equipment

Ready to test the new equipment I bought this week ! Together with Jörg, Ben, Susi, Robert, Peter and other 4 persons we went diving in Überlingen near the Tennis club there. It has been a dive that felt like being cooked in a soup. The water had 29 degrees Celsius on the surface, about 19 at 13m depth. Unbelievable….   This time I had 2 Kg lead on the back of the jacket, 5 in front and 3 on the belt. 10 Kg in total. I was experimenting because of the new suite with 8 mm neopren and the new jacket. It was a bit too much, but it was OK in the end. I had just like usual a 12 L cylinder weighting 18 Kg. The landscape is a bit strange in Überlingen. You go down very steep up to 15 m or more (we went only to 13). The water was pretty cold there, at around 19 grad. Because the visibility was really, really, bad at around 1m or less, we couldn’t do too much. So, we started to go higher and higher towards the surface to find more clear water. There were some currents as well, because the plants in the water were moving very much. We’ve seen some small fishes, but that was all. I was enjoying my semi-dry suit and sweating like crazy. The 8mm in 29 grad water was a bit too much 🙂 But, what a great suit!!! And the jacket is also very Continue Reading →

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New equipment

I found out about a new diving equipment store that is being open right now in Friedrichshafen: Stephan’s store. Visit his site and online shop here: http://www.action-sport-friedrichshafen.de/ I bought from there the following: – Hollis NEOTEK 8/7/6 semi-dry diving suit Aqualung Axiom Jacket Aqualung Titan LX regulator Mares Diving Console with Compass, Air display, Depth Together with the already purchased Mares X Vision Mask and Mares Nemo Wide diving computer, I am ready to dive 🙂   Check the next posts from here on to see how great this set it!

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Diving #4: Krebsgarten, Meersburg

Another diving in the Krebsgarten Meersburg. This time the conditions were quite different. We entered in the water at around 19.00 where the sun was very far away, heading towards the sunset and it was very clouded. Not to say that the previous 3 days it rained quite hard and the water was muddy. So, visibility was very bad: 1-3 m at max. The deeper we went, the lower the visibility was. And, of course, we were badly prepared for that. Only Jörg had a diving flashlight 🙂 Anyway, it was cold at 14m where we were: ~13 grad C. The outside temperature was 20-22 grad C. I used a 7mm neoprene suite with a 5 mm short suite, 13 kg lead and a 12 L compressed air cylinder (which was 18 Kg). The bad part was: I completely forgot to take my brand new diving computer with me 🙁   There were some very interesting thing to see there despite the very bad visibility. Until now I was only on the right side, now it was the first time we went left.     1. Poles in the water. Because of the 1m visibility at around 9-10 m, we were navigating semi-blind and the poles were appearing from nowhere… Interesting … 2. A plastic boat was lying there 3. Some strange metal objects were planted in the water at around 6-9 m Near the poles there was a bicycle or a motorcycle nicely planted just for fun 🙂 4. Continue Reading →

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