Diving in Crete, Greece – August 2023 – First photos with nudibranchs

Between 23.08 and 2.09 we’ve been in Crete, Greece.

We stayed in Petousis hotel and I went diving with Eco Diving Crete.

With them I’ve been to the following locations:

  • 2 times 2 x Mononaftis
  • 2 xMades
  • “Minnewaska Wreck”  and “Elephant Cave” – 2.5h drive to Chania.
  • Byron Wreck

I did 9 dives in total. I have to say that the trip to Chania was very tough (7 AM to 9.30 AM).


I tested properly my Olympus TG-6 with the lights, which I now enhanced even more. More about this later …


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