Diving in Malta
We’ve been in Malta for two weeks, where I managed to do 15 dives with Seashell Diving in Mellieha. Day 1: 1.Tugboat Rosi Wreck https://www.google.com/search?q=MV%20Rozi 2. Anchor Bay caves https://www.google.com/search?q=Anchor+Bay+caves+malta Day 2: 3.Santa Maria caves https://www.google.com/search?q=Santa+Maria+caves+malta 4. P31 Minesweeper Wreck https://www.google.com/search?q=P31+Minesweeper+Wreck+malta Day 3: 5.MV Imperial Eagle Wreck and the statue of Jesus https://www.google.com/search?q=MV+Imperial+Eagle+Wreck 6. Bristol Beaufighter Wreck https://www.google.com/search?q=Bristol+Beaufighter+Wreck+malta Day 4: 7. MV Karwella Wreck https://www.google.com/search?q=MV+Karwella+Wreck+malta 8. Alex Cave https://www.google.com/search?q=Alex+Cave+malta Day 5: 9. Lantern Point https://www.google.com/search?q=dive+site+Lantern+Point+Malta 10. P31 Minesweeper (with photo shooting) Wreck Day 6: 11. El Faroud Oil Tanker Wreck – Part 1 12. El Faroud Oil Tanker Wreck – Part 2 https://www.google.com/search?q=El+Farroud+Oil+Tanker+Wreck+Malta Day 7: 13. Gozo Blue Hole https://www.google.com/search?q=Gozo+Blue+Hole+Malta 14. Gozo Inland See / Dwerja https://www.google.com/search?q=Gozo+Inland+See Day 8: 15. Diving with Tuna
Posted in diving
Diving in Tenerife
I’ve been in Tenerife for two weeks where I made 15 dives in total. The highlights are: Robert got his Junior Scuba Diver certification We went diving with turtles and rays (bullray, sting ray, common Atlantic ray) Here are the diving spots: With Robert and 12dive.com as part of the course: Montagna Amarilla Las Eras Abades – 2 times With Aquarius Diving Abades – 2 times El Faro El Condesito(Wrack) Los Roncadores (turtles) Los Roncadores (turtles)(Robert) with Aquarius Marazul 2 times Nightdive-Los Christianos Tabaiba-El_Penon(Wrack) – 2 times
Posted in diving
How to install your Northern Diver dryglove system on Scubapro Everdry 4 mm with neoprene cuffs
I have a Scubapro Everdry 4 drysuit. As its name says, it is 4mm thick. Everywhere… including the cuffs. I have also this Northern Diver dryglove system: https://www.ndiver.com/dry-glove-ring-system-black Start learning this movie on YouTube: There is only one big problem: it doesn’t fit !!!! Have a look at these pictures: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOL7wv09-njReV_UOeZivOlaFE8hk6cCCQuK6-k4vSB_ffbVIGZr4_NdoXdl3m26Q?key=a3JYLTV4MlZHVnVSM1poWkZtbmhtUWdONFlIU3ZR At the first look, it looks like the cuffs are too thick for even the gray ring: SOLUTION Use liquid soap! Use the soap on the ring and then you will see that the sleeve goes immediately through. That’s it… then follow the instructions in the video!
Posted in diving and tagged drysuit, everdry 4, ndiver, northern diver, scubapro
Icediving in Pfullendorf
Together with Scubado I’ve been Ice diving in Pfullendorf. Interesting experience in a 6 degress Celsius water with an outside temperature of 4-6 degress Celsius and a powerful sun. Those who dive in dry suits know what a powerful sun does to a person in a dry suit. 🙂 In ice diving you have at least four members, always: 1 who is ready to dive in case of emergency (fully prepared to jump into water) 1 who is managing the rope and making sure that in case of emergency is pulling everyone out of the water 2 divers : 1 is experience who is running the dive, 1 who is following the experience diver. No need to say that I was the follower 🙂 I went in the water with Michael (in the picture). And this is the rest of the team (made by me with Peter’s phone): And this is Micha being pulled out of water under presumed emergency (drilling):https://www.facebook.com/ScubaDoLangenargen/videos/1817388141834773/ Jörg’s video: https://youtu.be/hkg2SlFacOo
Posted in diving and tagged eistauchen, ice diving, pfullendorf
Diving at Wilder Mann in Meersburg (drysuit)
Guide: Jörg Lietzmann Buddy: a girl and a boy who did their first dive in a lake. Right after the OWD course. 🙂 After 18 min he was at 100 Bar and we had to go back. Profile: Location: Wilder Mann in Meersburg Temp: 12 degrees Celsius Suit: dry suit Visibility: 3-5m Air tank: 12 L Material: Steel Weight: 18Kg Lead Weights: 7.5 Kg -> should have been 9Kg Under the suit: shorty Finns: well, that’s the trick: Fin Jet 1.8 Kg X 2 = 3.6 Kg weight Time: 42 min Depth: 10-13 M Videos: https://goo.gl/photos/ANjNZQZFYmEWtthy8 They have a bad quality… Looking forward to receiving my Paralenz camera.
Posted in diving and tagged dry suit, meersburg, wilder mann
Diving at the Cazino Constanta
For the second year I am diving with Aquarius Diving at the Cazino Constanta (my home town), Romania. I managed to make some photos and movies this time. Day 1: 20.8.2016 (click to see pictures and movies on Google Photos) Guide: Gabi I assisted to the 2nd dive of the OWD training. Participants: 1 student, 1 OWD (my Buddy) Nice weather, good visibility of 5-7 m. Time submersed: 50 min Remaining air at the end of the dive: 100 bar Depth: max 6m Day 2: 21.8.2016 (click to see pictures and movies on Google Photos) Guide: Razvan Participants: 1 OWD, 1 AOWD (my Buddy) Nice weather, good visibility of 7-10 m. Time submersed: 68 min Remaining air at the end of the dive: 80 bar Depth: max 6m
Posted in diving and tagged cazino, constanta, diving, jelly fish, sea, sea horses
Dive at the Meersburg ferry boat
Together with Michael from ScubaDo I’ve been for the first time at the Meersburg ferry boat. Important: This place is not for beginners. Read more below. It was extremely interesting… Due to the high level of water in the lake , there was no shore anymore, as you can see on Google Maps above (and check the link). Basically, it was just 1 M of land and then water… Deep water… We used a cord to mark our descent because there were three levels of vertical walls: first level was at 20 m second level was at 24m the bottom where we stopped at 25.8 m Michael told me that it goes even deeper down, but it was not our goal. The reason why we used the cord was the ferry. We didn’t want to go too close to them and with the cord we knew where to get out of water. It was a permanent noise from the ferries which could be heard even at 25m. Speaking of noise pollution. Here is the diving profile: Challenge 1 Find a parking place… 🙁 It was just a small street and absolutely full. And we had to pass this crowded street about 10 times each of us to carry the equipment on the side with the lake. Challenge 2 The visibility was about 3-4m. After 15m there was almost no light, so we had to use our torches. The peisage Continue Reading →
Posted in diving and tagged boat, deep, fähre, ferry, meersburg, plätzle, trench
Nice view of all diving certifications on ScubaEarth.com
“Rescue Diver” certification is now official. I needed the First Help course in order to get this one 😉
Posted in diving and tagged certifications
Diving in Mallorca with Skualo
Between 21-28.5 I’ve been in Mallorca in vacation with the family. I used this opportunity to make 4 dives with Skualo Porto Cristo. Great dives… Dive 1: Sa Feradura Depth: 15m, Weight: 12Kg, Air: 12L, Metal cylinder, Visibility: 10+ m, Dive Time: 43 min Guide: Philipp Dive 2: El Faro ->lost the camera at a depth of 12m Depth: 16.5m, Weight: 12Kg, Air: 12L, Metal cylinder, Visibility: 10+ m, Dive Time: 40 min Lost a lot of time to search for the camera. Funny…I was expecting that the camera falls down, but it went up like a rocket and disappeared immediately. Guide: Steve Dive 3:Muro de Cala Petita Depth: 16.4 m, Weight: 13Kg, Air: 12L, Metal cylinder, Visibility: 10+ m, Dive Time: 50 min It looks like making photos makes me use a lot of air. Once I stopped filming and taking pictures, I increased my dive time dramatically. Guide: Philipp Dive 4: El Faro Depth: 18.4m, Weight: 12Kg, Air: 12L, Metal cylinder, Visibility: 10+ m, Dive Time: 52 min Went down again with 3 other divers to search the camera. No result, of course… 🙁 Guide: Steve All dives have been made from boat, of course.
Posted in diving and tagged mallorca, porto cristo, skualo
Diving with drysuit in Immenstaad Bunkers
I’ve been diving with Jörg at the Bunkeranlagen Immenstaad. Here are some videos made with this camera: Warning, you might have to login with your Google account in order to view the videos. But, the interesting part was that I forgot to take my suit that I have to wear below the drysuit (to keep me warm). This massively changed my buoyancy and I had too much lead (~2KG too much). Useless to say that I needed to fight a lot with the weight and that I used my jacket to control the descent and ascent. Phew… what a beginner’s error… 🙁 PS: I am the one filming, the one that is being filmed is Jörg. This is also the reason why the video is so shaken.
Posted in diving and tagged bodensee, bunker, bunkeranlage, deutschland, drysuit, germany, immenstaad, video
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