Diving #5: Überlingen, Tennis club with the new equipment

Ready to test the new equipment I bought this week ! Together with Jörg, Ben, Susi, Robert, Peter and other 4 persons we went diving in Überlingen near the Tennis club there. It has been a dive that felt like being cooked in a soup. The water had 29 degrees Celsius on the surface, about 19 at 13m depth. Unbelievable….   This time I had 2 Kg lead on the back of the jacket, 5 in front and 3 on the belt. 10 Kg in total. I was experimenting because of the new suite with 8 mm neopren and the new jacket. It was a bit too much, but it was OK in the end. I had just like usual a 12 L cylinder weighting 18 Kg. The landscape is a bit strange in Überlingen. You go down very steep up to 15 m or more (we went only to 13). The water was pretty cold there, at around 19 grad. Because the visibility was really, really, bad at around 1m or less, we couldn’t do too much. So, we started to go higher and higher towards the surface to find more clear water. There were some currents as well, because the plants in the water were moving very much. We’ve seen some small fishes, but that was all. I was enjoying my semi-dry suit and sweating like crazy. The 8mm in 29 grad water was a bit too much 🙂 But, what a great suit!!! And the jacket is also very Continue Reading →

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